GET impact certified

We are focused on studying best practices among corporate research leaders and finding ways to maximize return on investment from research.

Some of the topics we cover in our discussions:
  • Maximize Business Impact
  • Reduce Research Costs & Enhance Partnerships
  • Quantify the Economic Value of Research
  • Stay Ahead of Industry Transformation
  • Elevate the Profile of Research at the C-Suite

ADVISORY services

We conduct quantitative benchmarking studies and depth interviews among corporate research leaders. As former leaders in corporate research departments with track records of driving change, we have been published extensively in Quirks, referenced in market research textbooks, presented in Webinars and at research conferences, and we were the first research firm to become an approved training provider for professional research certification through the Insights Association.


CONTACT US  +1.214.536.3955

If you are a research supplier who successfully completes our course and 30 question exam with a score of 80 percent or better, we will send you this logo for inclusion in your marketing materials. 

Research Innovation and ROI conducts training sessions on maximizing the business impact of research, reducing costs, quantifying financial impact, and general corporate insights best practices. We do this through ongoing depth interviews with leading corporate insights executives. Differentiate your resume and your firm's credentials in the marketplace through impact certification. In many departments, insights gets commoditized where the focus is too much on research as a cost rather than an investment. At the same time, suppliers who say their work is actionable are often too far removed from the decision-making process to understand all of the barriers their work will face before it is put to good use. 

The objectives of our work are to:

  • Developing Research Screening and Prioritization Processes to gain control over your time and resources
  • Squeezing maximum value out of limited budgets
  • Best Practices in Business Problem Diagnosis
  • Systematizing the research discovery and scoping process with a large database of questions and conversation guides
  • Embracing New Methods and Tools that will enhance impact and economic value
  • Finding and recognizing suppliers with a truly unique value proposition
  • Adapting best practices from sales and other disciplines to overcome resistance to research insights
  • Establishing frameworks with action standards for executives outside of any study
  • Establishing leadership over all data and analytics in the enterprise even if survey research is not involved